I came across the tag and got inspired enough to do something for the first prompt "Traipsing through the snow"🥺

(You can find more about this prompt in Instagram by @/ladykbuzz ❄️)

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It's a day and I have a little Christmas girl to attend ❄️ she comes from and stays happily in sticker & card form @ my hohoho 🎅🏻

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❄️❄️❄️A bunch of lovely has shown up on my feed, and I'm like... hey! I wanna try!

So late night entry it is! Traipsing through the snow was the first prompt~ ❄️❄️

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Advent Challenge prompt1:Traipsing through the snow

Traipsing through the snow...And tripping!
- Oh no, Willie!

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Happy birthday ขอให้กงฉีฟาไฉและสว่างไสวดั่งดวงดาวตลอดไป😊


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◇ Huevember Day 26 SEPIA ◇
-Represents the nostalgia and the traditional.

OC: Rudolph (belongs to me)

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◇ Huevember Day 23 WINE ◇
-Represents the sensuality, courage and the welcoming.

OC: Afflicty (belongs to me)

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A Candelabra Hand Turkey for today. Be sure to check out The Hand Turkey Book! It's on Amazon, Lulu and Google Play.https://t.co/3xw1sxL3AC

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Warrior of Light as Nier (Father)

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I just had to join in on dtiys challenge!! I had so much fun working on this piece.

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DAY 8 !!!


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