new art! and one more baejin fanart to add to my collection 😗 who's gonna stop me??

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current work in progress~~
considering if i should keep the text or not, and which font i should use. i'm thinking papyrus or comic sans but i'm not sure
(also the blue thing is supposed to be a wave lol but,,, :'))

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i think, .... i'm late ㅠㅠ
my first CIX fanart!
happy birthday to my baby boy, Kim Yonghee! <3<3

김용희 생일 축하해! <3<3 이 팬 아트 너무 늦었어 미안해요 ㅠㅠㅠㅠ

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김용희 생일 축하해!<3
태어너져서 너무 고맙다 ㅠㅠ
항상 건강하고 항상 행복하세요 용아🥰
평생 네 편 있을게요<3

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⚠️Trigger warning : self-harm / suicide

I’m going numb➖🖤

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