Imagine having the power to heal thousands and thousands of broken hearts all over the world, by doing one simple thing. one. simple. thing. I know what I'd do..

19 32

Merged two hearts together.
And two hands in one intertwined.
Your union is indestructible.
For the rest of your life.
You have two fates connected.
And the soul together fastened.
Your heart is burning fire of eternal love.
Art by

6 19

It has been three years already. Many more will go by. But our light and our hope will not go away. She is worse fighting for. Lexa is a charachter that needs a spin off. She needs her own story and come back to us.#ClexaSeason7

please help us!

6 10

Fix and compensate the pain that you brought to the fans. People don't forget Lexa for . They are still writting you about Lexa. She is mentioned in various articles and publications.

5 10

Show us she's alive and happy with Clarkе. Seven minutes would have sufficed.

This is not enough? For 3 years now, fans have been waiting for Lexa in the finals!

6 11

For us to see Lexus is the most important thing. She helped us to understand ourselves, to understand our inner world. We want to see her. Even for a short while but to see again. Give us this opportunity.

5 9

Lexa not just a character. She's the commander of our hearts. She taught us, to live, not to survive. She deserves better. She is the true commander of our hearts.

7 10

To me is strength, hope, respect, courage. To me killing was killing every woman in the world. Bring back.

31 61

We all make mistakes. What matters is how we deal with them. Listen, apologize, fix them, make amends. That's what you do

Dear , how important would a positive resolution be?

38 57

I’m already used to losing everything because of my own kindness, but you were my biggest loss.

Art by

9 21

Merry CLEXMAS to all my family, friends, CLEXAS & kru wish you all love, Health and happiness🎄❄️✨🎅🏻💋💋 May Clexa live forever 🍀

6 20

It’s Wednesday so here is some fan art! 💫 (via sango-blep | tumblr)

4 17

Here is some beautiful made by Sango-blep 💫 (via sango-blep | tumblr)

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Sango-blep made this beautiful fan art! 💫 (via sango-blep | tumblr)

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