My such a fun colour this week and I'm not usually a pastels kinda gal!

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Ahh so late for was celebrating Mum's bday 🎉 but I love this colour for shadows. This is a Deinotherium btw not a late night fail at an elephant!

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My first piece for but it’s kind of a cheat this week. I found the challenge late in the week, so I just colored a sketch I already had!

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I've been watching a fair amount of as I work. For this week's a patient sheep waiting for the bus.

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Some spring bulbs in pots for this week's using a wee bit of Have a great weekend everyone!

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Time for a new year of starting with Been trying to get out with my easel over the past few months, though not always successfully! For the record, my bag is actually 'Thunderbird 2' green!

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day 15: All the party plans are checked off, ready to party! 🎉
Late went to a Christmas party and finished a final today.

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Only got this far coloring an earlier for today's whatcha gonna do? Cheers everyone!

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sadly only a for this week's didn't have the time 😞but you'll get to see the finished one eventually

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A sausage dog for glad I’ve managed to do this as I’m failing at

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For another flower. The colour had to be used for the smiley hibiscorg. Was meant to be in ink, but the paper I used wasn't watercolour suitable 😫 Had to draw this super quick!

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An early submission for this week's since I have to run off to a meeting! Pewter Blue makes me think Philippine Eagle.

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A rather rapid with a *subtle* use of Even skellies love cardi season! 💛 (Will probs tweak with more time.)

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Very happy with this weeks lion for bit early cause I'm desperate for my dinner!

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Woman in wave / Rusalka loving masking lesson + brushes

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