Our weekend was fantastic. So many friends and memories. Let's gear up for the week ahead! What do you have planned for the week ahead?

🎨 Artist Currently Unknown

4 18

If you could put our mascots on any items or swag, what would you put them on? Sweatshirts? Leggings? We are all ears let us hear your thoughts.

🎨 Artist currently unknown

0 10

In the notes area on PayPal enter: October Twitter Circle Sub
Email marketing .com with your twitter handle so you can be added
🎨 Artist Currently Unknown


1 2

We know Golden Gate loves chocolate and deletes it from the universe every chance she gets. If you could give her one magic item or one item made of chocolate what would you give her?


3 37

In the notes area on PayPal enter: October Twitter Circle Sub

Email marketing .com with your twitter handle so you can be added

🎨 Artist Currently Unknown

1 4

BABSCon: Our 10 year anniversary is next year, what do you hope the theme is?

MidPrem: Because it’s an anniversary…Double Cowboy. Everyone gets TWO cowboy hats.


1 30

In the notes area on PayPal enter: October Twitter Circle Sub

Email marketing .com with your twitter handle so you can be added


0 13

MidPrem: Pencil and paper, all the way! I have doodles on every margin of every paper I own.

BABSCon: Do you have any big art pieces planned for this year?

MidPrem: Bigger than that 18 character piece? ...Yes.

🎨 MidPrem

0 7

MidPrem: I have good memories of San Francisco sea lions,...so a sea lion! His name would be Worf. Like "wharf", but cuter. Maybe he has a top hat or something, idk.

🎨 MidPrem

3 22

In the notes section of PayPal list: Twitter Circle October Sub

email marketing.com with your twitter handle and you will be added to this art circle.

🎨 SketchTheWitch


2 5


Starting in October we will have an Artist Circle on Twitter where you can see our art work as it is in progress. Come back for more details.

🎨 Cuttlefish

3 14

MidPrem: I've been on a t-shirt kick recently, so you can look forward the results of my practice!

BABSCon: What started as a challenge and became one of your favorite pieces?


1 17

MidPrem: The artists of BABSCon are responsible for many of my favorite con pieces, ever. I treasure my drawstring bags and Bonita scarf!
BABSCOn: What is the most fun thing that the Art Department does?

1 19

MidPrem: The artists of BABSCon are responsible for many of my favorite con pieces, ever. I treasure my drawstring bags and Bonita scarf!
BABSCon: What is your favorite thing about doing art for BABSCon?

3 21

learn about our childhood experiences, favorite shows and music growing up!
BABSCon: What is your favorite piece of BABSCon Merchandise? (2/2)

0 8

MidPrem: My favorite part of conventions is learning about other people. With this year's theme, we all get the chance to share and... (1/2)


1 23

Since 2023 is shaping up to be a wowser of a year! We thought we would like to share some of the departments and individuals bringing this magic to you.


6 46

This late summer has been very hot! Please take care of yourselves. Stay cool as possible. Drink plenty of water.Yes, BBQ is always an option.
🎨 Rocket-LawnChair

3 34

What did you and your accomplices do this weekend? Were heroes thwarted? Plans engaged? Plots Hatched?

Let us know of your adventures!

Artist: Currently Unknown

0 28

Of all the games in existence, which do you think could easily be ponified or made over to include Ponies?

3 54