Doodled a regional variant evolution for Corphish called "Crawking".

Crawkings are pure water types who didn't need to adapt to looking like Sharpedos for survival, as they are at the top of the food chain in their environment.

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Commission for of himself with his favorite pokemon!
flygon, aurorus, zapdos, and gengar, and the most important corphish :>

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Latica Region Pokemon returns. So here I have a different evolution to Corphish. The opposite of the ruffian Crawdaunt, meet the chill and relaxed Pokemon CRAWMAROON!

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Tonight we're going to have the finest dish out there, some Corphish tail sushi, with some of the finest Corphish Claw Crab Cakes.
Thats pokemon also known as Corphish the Ruffian pokemon.

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First drawing of 2022 requested by Kev x ( he asked for corphish )

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Cancer Deathmask ♋️: captured a Corphish along with the Feebas he gave to Dite. Have a love-hate relationship with Kingler. He got lost in the woods once and was followed by a Phantump, who became fond of him instantly. Yamask simply appeared in his house one day and never left.

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341/365 Corphish! 🦀 🧡

Feelin' crabby lately

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Team Aqua just so having a Corphish or Crawdaunt would be thematically appropriate.

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図鑑 No.341

クリエイターズスタンプで  と検索おねがいします🙇‍♀️

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Finally got to Ultra rank, time to steal my central's Corphish repeatedly

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Corphish Sketch
Device used: iPad (2018) & Apple Pencil1
App:Sketches by
YT: Abutora


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Today's villagers include a normal/sweet Barboach, a jock Corphish & a normal/sweet Baltoy :)

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I just drew this Corphish. His soulless eyes

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You can fish it by using dried squid as bait. 

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Day 341 of drawing one pokemon per day. Little ruffian. Follow me to see the upcoming pokemon drawings.

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Vaporeon is capable of Melting into water becoming completely invisible, it then waits to strike on its prey

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