I cannot find the adequate words to describe all the feels that I’m feeling right now🥺😩😤🤬😭😵‍💫

44 126

And you believe lockdown is the worst that can happen.

194 541

RWNJ media just said "desperate people are taking to the street" in the anti lockdown protest in Sydney.

Desperate will be their relatives not being able to visit them in hospital when they're intubated.

291 849

udah di fase pengen nendang daripada ngejelasin dengan sabar untuk para covidiot..asa arateul suku hayang najong mun manggih dijalan XD

0 2

Gente, voy a ver un médico debido a no sentirme bien, estoy mareado con tos seca y fiebre, y pienso que fueron mis compañeros. Estando en duda si va a haber stream el dia de hoy. Espero y me recupere y esta en tela de juicio abandonar esa maquila.

0 0

The last few hours before are ticking away. For those vulnerable, it is anything but with the given permission to do as they please by our .

Be safe and think of others:

233 774

So you get protection from COVID *and* super powers? Who doesn’t want that??!?

Follow for more cartoons!

4 12

can mishandle sometimes and result in very embarrassing situations. So be careful the next time you step into a with one!

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indeed failed along with mediocre singer what’s his f name ! khulke blame as there can’t be centralisation of praise & decentralisation of blames! https://t.co/jzgfSnPwmH

5 17

A great to ask yourselves during these times This is a question so dig deep into your psyche and find the force within you to figure it out

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1B or 2B for either of these characters.

Those two seem to be the perminent mood at the moment, with all the covidiots.
Thanks for the chance!

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