cutiefly :D it was kind of close!

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742 - Cutiefly
Type: Bug / Fairy

Abilities: Honey-gather, Shield-dust, Sweet-veil

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Absol for I wanted to add a cute tiny Pokémon but I wasn't ready for how cute Cuitefly would be >w<

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What if Cutiefly, but Cosmog?

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Ribombee is cute, but it's a downgrade from cutiefly's perfect design

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Hylian Cutiefly

Feeding from the rich flora of Hyrule Cutiefly started to take on a more softer rounder look than even its alolan counterpart. Their colors vary and depend on what flowers nectar they feed upon, Blue is the most popular of these colors.

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Berry the Cutiefly

-Dark eyes
-Buzzy, Humble, and Kind

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Now I’m thinking about cutiefly again so here’s some old art 💛🤍🤎

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Birthday present for ! I used his Cutiefly gijinka design for a colour test lol
Happy Birthday dude; I’m sorry I don’t know how to draw Palkia

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Heading to the route 3 i capture a rufflet that try to attack me but hey he will become a big guy :] love rufflet for real…also i found a cutiefly in melemele meadow but blind4u ended up killing it soo yeah a lost capture xd
After that i fought vs hau and again i won

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742 - Cutiefly
Type: Bug / Fairy

Abilities: Honey-gather, Shield-dust, Sweet-veil

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delany for cluelesscutiefly! 🌙

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pokemon sticker designs i will have at AN!! shuckle, jumpluff, cutiefly, heracross, chandelure, and lurantis. all the stickers i ordered turned out great, so i am REALLY excited 😊

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Prontonian Cutiefly and Ribombee, now Bug/Dark types.

Far from their Alolan cousins, these pestilent pokemon swarm in droves and feast on blood. Their sharp fangs help puncture their prey and slurp out their lifeforce.

Inspired by Bogleech, one of my biggest inspirations!

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Mimi is the type of person to ask "Isn't anyone going to hit this dragon type with Dazzling Gleam?" and then not wait for a response ✨✨✨
She's a sweetheart but when it comes to dragon types it's on sight

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Val getting the little cutiefly's seal of approval. Now Lei wont have to worry about him not her GF

Valerie- CheshireQtea (DA-Insta)

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We continue with more villagers! Today we have a jock Crabrawler, a snooty Oricorio & a normal/sweet Cutiefly :)

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how CUTE also… the cutiefly rep 😭😭

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Couldn't resist making a Pokemon gijinka
This is Mimi the Cutiefly, she despises dragon types with a burning passion ;v;

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