160621 Fanart for AIMATECH CF filming episode cr.CYY

21 49

Cute Fanart filming AIMATECH new CF cr.CYY

16 29

160610 Fanart for LEMONA Fansign event playing with the dancing monkey toy cr.CYY

15 38

160610 Fanart for LEMONA Fansign event cr.CYY

6 27

Happy 2 years of dragging my feet, now back to work on episode 1

1 1

Adorable Fanart for June 1st Children's Day in China cr.CYY

22 48

Adorable Fanart for June 1st Children's Day in China cr.CYY

17 46

【Tokyo 7th シスターズ】Pレアカード 春日部ハル NDシリーズ GETしたよ!みんなも遊んでね♪→http://t.co/HIsQlmMEGm 【招待ID】MpV1cYY

0 3

150124 Fanart at Suvarnabhumi & Incheon Airport cr.CYY

15 18