Finger painting? A call back to dadaist work, duh. The diaper? You have to recall the child's mind. It's wet? ..... Shush

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Francis Picabia, 22. 01. 1879–30. 11.1953, French Dadaist-Surrealist painter, Ridens,.1929. Gouache and watercolor

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Francis Picabia, 22. 01. 1879–30. 11.1953, French avant-garde, Dadaist-Surrealist painter, The Spring, 1912

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Francis Picabia, 22. 01. 1879–30. 11.1953, French avant-garde, Dadaist-Surrealist painter, Courage, 1947

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Francis Picabia, 22. 01. 1879–30. 11.1953, French avant-garde, Dadaist-Surrealist painter, La femme de l'amour.1927

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Francis Picabia, 22. 01. 1879–30. 11.1953, French Dadaist-Surrealist painter, The Procession, Seville, 1912

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battling a fellow cyberpunk elite existential dadaist hacker

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The lesson appears to be: eat veggies when out & it's still fun! (to have happy organs)

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