Thank you, ALL of you for helping me reach 1.1k on Twitch! 😭

It still blows my mind that I'm this far, you guys really improve my life by hanging out with me and being such an awesome community!
I truly appreciate it! 💕🥺💜

13 58

PB & Marcy have been kidnapped! Marcy is pissed, but PB is kinda used to this from her constant encounters with Ice King.

Great pic !

23 131

CBT, Part Four!
(I am not a therapist, this is not advice, merely my personal experience with therapy)

2 6

CBT, Part Three!
(I am not a therapist, this is not advice, merely my personal experience with therapy)

2 9

Everybody's favorite sexy pirate, all trussed up with some vibes~

Great pic by !

10 66

Lucifer's big mouth has gotten her in trouble. Now she sits, tied up in her underwear for the whole house to see.

Great pic by !

8 84

CBT, Part Two!
(I am not a therapist, this is not advice, merely my personal experience with therapy)

1 7

CBT, Part One!
(I am not a therapist, this is not advice, merely my personal experience with therapy)

4 13

Verosika is in the middle of a surprise fan meetup with a very big fan! Though there won't be much talking between the two, what with the ballgag and all~

Great pic by !

12 60

So I want to thank everyone of you all that has supported me from the begining! It is with tears in eyes and JOY that am the NEWEST member of the DJ Team I would not have made it without all of you and and

3 12

The wisdom of those who came slightly before us

2 11

I had a nice time in June despite the challenges. Am grateful for the past now and tomorrow. When you say things could change in 2 secs I believe you cos at the end of the day I believe dreams do come to reality. Happy new month people enjoy this month

19 36

Check out these guys enjoying some swimsuit clad Peach & Daisy for the summer season! Peach is having fun too, although Daisy ain't too happy.

Great pic by !

10 75