Hey friends! Come hang out at DarkForcesTV Podcast, where I will be a guest on VERY SOON! TODAY! 11AM PST | 2PM EST

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Playing some with Frandz and the amazing ! 1 YR Twitch Partner Anniversary is Wednesday! Birthday Month HYPE! (!multi !events) https://t.co/itEEQM90XW

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💐❤️ I'm single, let's say you're single... Will you be my Valentine? Playiing Music and serenading chat all stream long! https://t.co/itEEQM90XW

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It's Thursday, Let's Play ALL the things! Sub Movie Night is 11/20 at 8pm EST. https://t.co/itEEQM90XW

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BONUS Stream with Special Guest, Lil Angel! Playing a few games with the Mini Me today. 💜 https://t.co/itEEQM90XW

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Join Me for Murder and Margaritas!! Playing 🔪 Daily Squats till Twitch Con EEK. 💜 https://t.co/itEEQM90XW

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🔪Murder Bear Investigation time! Time to figure out whodunit! Crazy voice acting, psychotic teddy bears and MURDER ... it's MAGIC. V3 🔪 https://t.co/itEEQM90XW

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Let's Play A Bunch of stuff Today! Late Day, Variety Games! LESH GO! 💙 https://t.co/itEEQM90XW

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Hooked and Bleeding ~ Am I An Angel or a Devil? You Decide (!sub) 🔪💀 https://t.co/itEEQM90XW

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