Pick Holly’s story is a tragic one. When she was saved from another bully by Vina Miles, she became indebted to her; now, she has made the transition from victim to tormentor alongside Vina.

Find out more: https://t.co/FNv8CYueco

2 17

Thin as a rake, Molly serves as one of Vina Miles’ posse. However, separate her from Vina, and you’ll find her bluster quickly fades.

Find out more: https://t.co/FNv8CYueco

4 22

The Bishop is the figurehead of the Church of El Strain, a kind and compassionate soul admired by most everyone in Le Choara. But has any one of them ever actually seen her face?

Find out more: https://t.co/FNv8CYueco

1 18

The Engima Games team make their return in Death end re;Quest™ 2!

Visit the Iffy-cial Website for more info:

Wishlist on Steam® today!

Death end re;Quest 2 launches for PS4™ and Steam this Summer 2020!

37 153

The Death end re;Quest™ 2 Steam® Page is now live!

Wishlist the game today!

The Iffy-cial website was updated with new character profiles!

Visit below:

62 236

Every school seems to have a resident bully, and for Wordsworth, that would be Vina Miles. But there’s much more to be afraid of in these halls than Vina’s mean little clique.

Find out more: https://t.co/myze13EVDi

6 21

Victorie never seems to take anything too seriously. Tell her your family pet has just died? She’ll probably respond with a giggle and her trademark smile. Maybe she’s just insensitive, or maybe there’s more to her than meets the eye.


3 31

Chitsuba’s low self-esteem stems from her parents’ untimely death when she was younger. She often seeks out validation, meaning that if you need something from her, flattery would be a sure bet.

Find out more: https://t.co/myze13EVDi

5 28

Introducing Chitsuba, Victorie, and Vina! 3 of the Wordsworth residents that Mai meets in the small town of Le Choara 🧐

Visit the Iffy-cial website for more details!

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In Death end re: Quest 2, you may find some familiar faces appearing to help you on your way. Worlds collide as the characters from everyone’s favourite VRMMORPG emerge in Le Choara.

Find out more: https://t.co/myze13EVDi

9 41

Lydia Nolan. Manga lover, video game enthusiast, all-around Otaku. There’s nothing she loves more than an otome game. However, she may not find much romance here...

Find out more: https://t.co/myze13EVDi

6 37

“Le Choara.” That was all the information Arata Mizunashi left for his partner before he disappeared. Could the strange occurrences within the town have something to do with what they experienced in the Alice Engine?

Find out more: https://t.co/myze13EVDi

5 22

Julietta, the Childcare Faculty Head at Wordsworth, is responsible for the wellbeing and safety of every child in her care. She must truly be taking it to heart that so many have begun to turn up missing…

Find out more: https://t.co/myze13EVDi

3 19

One of the guiding lights of Le Choara, Midra serves as the headmistress of Wordsworth and head chairwoman of the town. But how far does her influence stretch?

Find out more: https://t.co/myze13EVDi

5 24

Shina Ninomiya is a mysterious figure. Once a game developer working with Arata Mizunashi on a groundbreaking title called “World’s Odyssey,” she seems to have left everything behind to search for her missing partner…

Find out more: https://t.co/myze13nkeI

8 36

Liliana Pinnata is obsessed with all things demonic and occult. Convinced her father played host to some hellish presence, she has devoted herself to the study of exorcism...but could her knowledge somehow help Mai?

Find out more: https://t.co/myze13EVDi

6 28

Rotten “Rottie” Dollheart is a popular girl among the students of Wordsworth. She is kind, caring, and possesses a curious mind...but just why is she so curious about Mai Toyama?

Find out more: https://t.co/myze13EVDi

4 30

Mai Toyama is a young woman haunted by her past. She possesses a keen intelligence, but the shadow of her father’s death still clouds her mind. Now, she must face her demons to protect the only family she has left.

Find out more: https://t.co/myze13EVDi

6 41