Jessica hated violence. She’d rather get beaten up than to do harm to someone else. That had been why she and her sister had fallen out. Jessica had taken it as a betrayal when her sister had joined the Marines.

3 17

Barely visible over the tops of the trees, the half-moon stared down at them like a drowsy eye only half-interested in what happened below.

2 25

Thanks for stopping by everyone !!! Thank you HiddenMimic and for the raids SMOOCHES
We got this far today, I'll be rendering the rest tomorrow UwU
Have a good rest of your days ❤️❤️❤️

2 1

Val pictured men with guns running through the woods in wide search patterns. Snarling dogs chasing her son up trees. Drones buzzing around the two of them and firing sedative darts.

They’d never stop hunting her or Braden now.

3 14

Helping hand.
With 's Carry and Goldenmisfortune's Atarah

6 33

The holograph showed a video of a baby developing inside an artificial uterus. Then the image shifted to show a man at an outdoor cafe with a boy who looked identical to him except for his skin, which was the same color blue as the midday sky.

4 26




0 12

😀 2019 @ renewdaredevil did a poll about the best stunt scenes in Marvel's Daredevil and gave the winning actors and stuntmen selfmade (fanmade) awards. 🏆


0 2

Just now, time seemed like the worst enemy of all.

1 15

She held on to her husband’s hand—his surgeon’s hand. Those hands had healed many people’s bodies. Had removed her contraceptive implant. Had delivered Braden when he was born. But now they couldn’t do anything for her or for him.

4 27

His face looked older than his age. It was his narrow eyes and the way his mouth was firmly set—like someone who knew he had to do something that was going to hurt and was just working up the will to do it.

3 18

He still felt, still saw, still heard and tasted and smelled. But now everything was a shade darker, the dusky light a little dimmer, the glow of her green eyes, so close to his, less unearthly than before.

2 19

What do you think? Could almost call her IG-Chan 🤣
Retweet if you want to put your face in there!!

12 43

Another set of emotes done! Big thank you to HiddenMimic on Twitch for commissioning these from me. Enjoy your Blush, Laugh, and Smug emotes! Go check them out over at !

With that, 3 more emote slots have opened up!

1 2

Tears streamed his cheeks, and the grief in his face twisted her heart like someone wringing water from a cloth.

4 32

Hoy contra el Medellín. Con positivismo que se puede.
7:40 P.M.
Estadio Estadio Alfonso López

18 59

“I love you,” he says. “But when I get home, I’m going to try to work things out with my wife.”


The word feels like a sliver of ice sliding down her throat––the kind that gets caught in your gullet and cuts like a knife until it melts.

4 32

She lay down next to him—naked, exposed, vulnerable, and broken—and thought that in the end, all other knowledge would fail. Compared with this, even telepathy wasn’t worth much. Just another way of knowing that would deceive you if you let it.

6 23