Please ask your MP to take action to stop this deportation ⁦⁩ ⁦⁩ ⁦⁩ ⁦⁩ ⁦⁩ ⁦⁩ ⁦⁩ ⁦

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California DOJ Cuts Off ICE Deportation Officers from State Law Enforcement Database—Saira Hussain

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Home Office unlawfully detained thousands of asylum seekers: Tom Stokoe on the recent ruling by which will see millions paid out to detainees held deportation to EU countries

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Safety Third: Colombia ... The Guide To Online Dating, Learning , Avoiding And Making In Colombia is designed to inspire people to maximize life experiences and ordinary life.

Read Safety Third : Colombia

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Safety Third: Colombia ... The Guide To Online Dating, Learning , Avoiding And Making In Colombia is designed to inspire people to maximize life experiences and ordinary life.

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Heartbreaking.....children who could not be children ... the last look of farewell with her parents and a short life....

[ Yad Vashem : Lodz, Poland, A boy and girl looking through the fence before their deportation ]

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Bruno Jasieński, one of Polish futurism's most prominent creators, is believed to have died in 1938. His controversial novel 'I Burn Paris' led to his deportation from the city.


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Monday morning and I’m inspired by strength that refuses to take ish, shyte, shenanigans and or malarkey from anyone. Inspired by the Honorable

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A "game" is proposed at Google Play, but this "game" is same as “Juden Raus” at WW2.
“The game’s themes reflect racial hatred, forced deportations, and confiscation of Jewish property.”

Hong Kong people may suffer the same thing happened in Jewish at WW2!

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The Gringo Guide To Online Dating,
Learning Spanish, Limiting Your Enemies, Avoiding
Deportation And Making Money In Colombia

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In 1734 a failed rebellion against Satan lead by Astaroth, Archduke of Hell, led to the deportation of 13,616 dæmons who were expelled from the underworld & cast up from the pit.

Being at a bit of a loose end, many went into politics & the rest invented the advertising industry.

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Béla Kádár (1877–1956) was a Jewish Hungarian painter influenced by Cubism, Futurism, Neo-Primitivism,Constructivism, and Metaphysical painting.
Raoul Wallenberg prevented his deportation as an Hungarian Jews to the Auschwitz-Birkenau killing depot..

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Two of our team members are at the convening today learning to support criminalized survivors! Sign the petition to a Black immigrant incarcerated for defending herself against her abusive husband & now facing deportation:!

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Cyntoia. Marissa. CeCe. Cherelle. Alisha. Liyah.

Black women are often criminalized for surviving violence. a Black immigrant survivor from Ethiopia who's fighting her deportation bc of self-defense.

Take action:

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“They travelled in the steerage with their neighbors for a week long Atlantic crossing into the unknown. Fearing another famine, the British charity had created what they sometimes referred to as a “deportation”
- Read the whole story at Urban Sketchers:

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"Mother with Dead Child." German artist Käthe Kollwitz (1867–1945) lost her younger son in World War I. Her art focused on war, grief & loss & was banned by the Nazis. She & her husband were threatened with deportation. Her home & much of her art was destroyed by bomb in 1943.

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Patrick Blower on Home Office under Theresa May destroyed evidence able to spare Windrush generation from deportation - political cartoon gallery in Putney

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