Today's prompt is Wheels. Oh shit it's dead meme!

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CW: "the big undo" ideation

Day 5 : skip

in 's he talks about if he could be dead until 18 months from now, he would do it, but then laments that we can't because you die forever, and we shouldn't die forever - yet

Still resonates with me 💜

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Day 4 : sweet!

My sweet BABY!! I love Tetley Tea so much she's my absolute soulmate 💜

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Day 1 : neon!

An old trend from tiktok - drawing your own thermal-imaging inspired lewds!

I've come to really love my body and all it's marks and scars and softness, some days are harder than others but now I can at least say I'm a beautiful artwork!

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"Care" and "Pattern" are the last two prompts!

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We've got "Makeup" as the prompt for today. Let's wash some of that "makeup" off of you Scratches!

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Day 5: Makeup!

*violent mumbling*

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Today's prompt is "Friend" Looks like someone needs some help!

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"Tasty" was the prompt for today. Patches is enjoy a yummy bone cone!

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We've got "Bounce" as day 2's prompt! Let's play some fetch!

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Day 2: Bounce!

Boing, boing, boing - to the stars lil guy!

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Day 1 of ! Today's prompt is "Pastel" featuring Patches the pastel puppy!

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Sharp is today's prompt. Have some pointy horses

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We've got Monochrome as today's prompt and lots of squishy penguin friends

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4th round of ! Today's prompt is Fragile

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day 7: treat!

Help yourself!! (Go on, you deserve to treat yourself 😊)


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day 5: Lucky!

The house staff always thought it was a fortunate day when they found the effervescent young Miss enjoying the weather in the garden!


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day 4: sample!

yo pls listen to their sample tape, i swear their music is


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day 3 - Pause

No mom!! I can't pause it, it's an online game!!

...Yes I'm winning 😈


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day 2: mix!

I can't stop thinking about jackalopes, a mythical creature of north american folklore - a mix of a jackrabbit with antelope horns!


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