画質 高画質


2607 18562

art! diluc potong rambut ✂️

69 683

its that time of the yr again(my bday) and as usual i offer diluc food👩‍🦯

9565 73748

Izin setor latest diluc art! akun sender sepi banget hikshikshiks, ada yang mau berk☁️?

4 106

Hello Artist!

Sender lagi nyari merch Diluc atau Danheng (bukan yang IL)

untuk Comifuro18 nanti! Prefer yang buka PO ya! Thankyou 🫶

0 3



294 1476

Tehe! Cmiiw, seinget sender Kaeya nih kan "prince" Khaenriah ya, setelah raja irmin di kudeta (event diluc yg waktu itu) kan klan dia Alberich. Ada lore yg ngejelasin gak sih kenapa Kaeya gak dikutuk ?? Penasaran peran Kaeya nih bakalan kek gimana setelah tau dia (cont..)

0 5

the most beautiful violinist… 🎻

1029 4865


759 3688

Babu! Diluc in manga >>>>
Diluc in-game mukanya lesu bgt 😭

222 2214

I love Diluc's unhinged sadistic side SO MUCH. He just. won't hesitate ❤️❤️

335 1841

Hello! I'm looking for new kawanbabu yang gk masalah sm akun baru, masih mini (unlabeled tpi kdng post art kecil²an juga). Legal, AR 58 Alhaitham main. Lagi nabung buat Neurrvillette + sign. BASIC DNI! Freepass if u like Diluc, Haitham, Scara. Just reply below and I'll (cont..)

0 2

Hi, I'm looking for new kawanbabu to fill my tl. I also play HSR and LAD. Into Diluc, Neuvi, and Haitham /also Jing Yuan and Dazai/. Homophobic and under 20 DNI! Drop your future main on reply I'll hyu!

0 2

「 反撃開始だ 」


172 888


99 603

i just realized 3 years after getting diluc that i never maxed out any of his talents 😭😭 my uncrowned king 💔

0 20

study with my muse 🖤❤️

552 3050

Support human artists (specifically those draw diluc butt and tits 🫵)

71 438