[Xander Card Doodles]
*he sucks at what he does...*

3 18

[doodles] little guy from last night to relieve some stress💜❤️

9 10

[fortnite/doodles] tryin to figure out some of the other characters I'd like to include in future comics 😳

80 549

[doodles] messy gaen study/interpretation... grahwrggghhaawooooo

4 10

[doodles] dragonboy kyoya aka i think turning into gaen should have permanent consequences (perks?)

13 16

[doodles] i had a dream that timeskip kyoya was real except the only difference in his design was that he was in disaster force form with a long braid. i thought it was neat.

13 18

in the middle of a natural disaster so the logical response was to draw some members of disaster

9 12

[doodles] on my mind To Be Honest

15 28

[Disregard All Doodles]
More sketches, I probably won't post a finished piece for a while.

3 7

[doodles] booyah!

7 13

[doodles] veemo! 😈🐙

17 24

[doodles] i wish eep was real.

6 14

[doodles] aich...

11 11

[doodles] Gay win (my fiance is awesome)

6 11

[#Doodles] Omg I love Drawing Phrog, he's my therapy LOL he's so fucking cutehjakfdhjsk

0 9

[doodles] really low effort Hims before i run out to grab lunch (dinner??)

5 12

[doodles] MORE idk guys... i'm so normal...

5 14

[doodles] fcbf things ive been doing on the side... firefox crashed not once, but twice upon me trying to upload these. and then my entire file explorer crashed. it's definitely some sort of omen.

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Closeups (5/5) [and also without the extra doodles]

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