Are you struggle with drawing hair?
No problem, .fr can make you draw it like a pro.✍️💪

Pick up your gear and start practicing now!🙌

10 35

Hiya Its Me! You Know Me From TikTok! drawingtiktokers80 (or sugarskulldraws is my new name lol) I Wanted To Send This To Ya After I Found Your Twitter...

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Some ppl on tiktok were blaming me that all my arts are traced cuz I very rarely share sketching part of tinelapse so here it is...

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📝drawing tips of the arms
When you raise your arms upward, your armpits will face the front.

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Seperti judulnya, aku mau bagi tutorial gambar mata yang keliatan SOFT kayak mata boneka, jadi disini aku bakalan pake banyak BLEND dan effect biar keliatan dramatis

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Kenapa aku suka banget bikin tutorial malem pas udah pada tidur?? yaudahlah tetap percaya diri LOL
aku mau berbagi tips, 2 "How to make your art look like a PRO"

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