Boyfriend from FNF hates Dreamsexuals!

11 24

Fuck you Julica. Why simp over that horribly pale british bitch when you can simp for this wonderful critter.
Charlie Smiling Friends Solos. No shit.
Also fuck dreamsexuals, that shit ain't valid.

1 14

this gets funnier when the replies says that you can't name any more iconic trio
anyways, anyone who lived in 2021 recognizes these three.
ratio, dreamsexual.

0 3

Actual dreamsexual !!!
(In case this is needed, dreamsexual refers to someone who feels sexual attraction in their dreams but rarely or never outside of them)
((Gacha pony palace is a funny name lol))

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I'm dreamsexual...
... but not attracted to dream lol
(if you don't know it is a subset of asexual)

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When they say "dreamsexual" they mean Doremy Sweet right?

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Dreamsexuality and Dreamgender are not real (or valid).

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Don’t mind me, just burning the flag. Stay mad Dream stans.

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