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Ancalagon vs Eärendil de Anato Finnstark (https://t.co/0GgRpYacBe)
“Aiya Eärendil Elenion Ancalima!” he cried. (Frodo in Shelob’s lair.) #Tolkien #illustration #LOTR
Eärendil contra Ancalagon de Lorenzo de Sanctis (https://t.co/6XP5A17uFO)
“Before the rising of the sun Eärendil slew Ancalagon the Black, the mightiest of the dragon-host, and cast him from the sky; and he fell upon the towers of Thangorodrim, and they were broken in his ruin.” — The Silmarillion
Artwork by Jordy Lakiere
“But Eärendil came, shining with white flame, and about Vingilot were gathered all the great birds of heaven and Thorondor was their captain, and there was battle in the air all the day and through a dark night of doubt.” — The Silmarillion
Artwork by Manuel Castañón
Eärendil came in the sky and overthrew Ancalagon the Black Dragon, and in his fall Thangorodrim was broken.
“And it is sung that Elwing fell from the air upon the timbers of Vingilot, in a swoon, nigh unto death for the urgency of her speed, and Eärendil took her to his bosom.” — The Silmarillion
Artwork by Jenny Dolfen
“On a time of night Eärendil at the helm of his ship saw Elwing come towards him, as a white cloud exceeding swift beneath the moon, as a star over the sea moving in strange course, a pale flame on wings of storm.” — The Silmarillion
Artwork by aegeri
“Yet Eärendil could not rest, and his voyages about the shores of the Hither Lands eased not his unquiet. Two purposes grew in his heart, blended as one in longing for the wide Sea…” — The Silmarillion
Artwork by Ted Nasmith
“In the spring of the year after was born in Gondolin Eärendil Halfelven, the son of Tuor and Idril Celebrindal; and that was five hundred years and three since the coming of the Noldor to Middle-earth.” — The Silmarillion
Artwork by Egorit
Let’s play a game! Comment who’s your favourite Hero from the First Age of Middle-earth: Beren Erchamion, Túrin Turambar, Tuor Ulmondil, or Eärendil the Mariner?
#thesilmarillion #unfinishedtales #jrrtolkien #lordoftherings
eärendil, on vingilótë, slays ancalagon the black, colorized
And today - the potential evolution of a visual motif within a Tolkienian context Part 1. Eärendil's device by #Tolkien (c. 1960), Pennsylvania Dutch Hex sign common to Berks County (re-painted c.1970s), compass rose by Karen Wynn Fonstad (1981) from The Atlas of Middle-earth