💭no matter how many faces you wear, I'll always find you

2 17

So I drew this few days ago
but in 90s anime style..

2 4

💭Thank the stars that the Avatar of Sloth is slothful... imagine what would have happened to the 3 realms if I wasn't

2 10

💭do you think I don't see you watching me?
I see more than you think

1 13

💭 do you ever want to sleep and feel like you never want to wake up?

4 12

💭 some people are like stars.... better to look at from a distance, then to be burned up close in their atmosphere

0 5

💭 when I wake up and reach for you and grasp at an empty space, I turn over and go back to sleep

If your not there, then I don't want to wake up

2 12

💭 Why do you have a dreamcatcher above your bed when you have me by your side?

4 18

💭 should I get out of bed?
Will I get out of bed?
....only to see you

3 16

💭 eat me? Drink me? Would you do it? To see how deep the rabbit hole goes?

2 10

💭 I sit wondering why I'm awake sat here without you.

I guess it means it's time to go to sleep.... if dreams are the only way I get you beside me

2 18

💭 nightmares are worse when they happen while your awake

1 11

💭 when I look into your eyes I see a universe of stars.... I wonder if you see their reflection in mine?

2 23

💭 "He counts the stars and calls them all by name" - psalm 147:4

1 12

💭 waves of sleep wash over me like tides of the ocean

0 13