And with a book beautifully illustrated by
Tiny Owl are Iranian, Ehsan lives and works in Iran. They are all about building bridges and understanding through literature. This and The House Without Windows ( )publish this autumn

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“Wild Life” Digital Art Contest
Submission “De laloo” by Ehsan Darestani
Submissions are accepted until June 21 at

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Hey, , did you know that illustration is a vital UK industry? By barring sponsored illustrators such as Ehsan Abdollahi from visiting and sharing ideas, you're turning our cultural hub into a provincial backwater.

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I'm with - I saw Ehsan Abdollahi last year at with . Writers and artists need supporting - not thwarting!

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Amazing to see powerful words of meet beautiful illustrations of in tis new children's book!

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Grand Vizier Ehsan 💁🏿- Full version on my blog

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to find more art of mine, i am mostly active on my facebook page (Lonehsan) or deviantart (Lonehsn). so here's a 2016 art summary !

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Shipwrecked - All That's Left is the Night Sky

Released by

Artwork by Ehsan Safavie

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By Libyan Artist / Ehsan Azzuz

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Dusk at Gangbal lake | Photo by Muhammad Aehsan

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