Good morning everyone😆
Have a good day.💙
If you also struggle with feeling lonely let take a seat beside her.🥹
Check out my Eindis collection on Opensea.🤺

6 9

She join the fam Darkness yokai of Eindis

I just completed an Intro to NFTs Quest for an achievement on 🎨

0 5

Good morning everyone🖤
Today I have something good to present.😆
Check out my Eindis collection on Opensea.👼

5 11

She always comes in when the cafe's cat is at the window, and has the same order. When you asked what brought her here, she replies:

"The coffee, of course. They don't have any where I'm from."

See her true form at!

1 13

Dazzle's got something sweet for you! ♥️
We wish you a great valentines day and hope you can spend it with your significant others!

5 24

For the design of Dazzle, our artists had to adapt their own artstyle to the original concept of our visionary Eva. Admire the results of their first try!

3 7

             — 10. 31. 21
               7:43 PM

         A golden glam for tonight’s
Halloween party.



4 24

El amigo Jesús Bernal me recuerda estos pósters maravillosos de la serie "V" que todos tuvimos de críos y que obsequiaban con la revista TeleIndiscreta, algunos de ellos ilustrados por el gran Luis Bargalló (autor de las ilustraciones de las cajas de Geyper Man, Excalextric, etc)

15 126

God help y’all when Steel Ball Run gets animated and I get to hop on the Hot Pants train.

4 22

Miss Sentry regrets putting a zipper on the front of her costume sometimes...and getting tied up and gagged

21 55

Che fine ha fatto la semplicità? Sembriamo tutti messi su un palcoscenico, e ci sentiamo tutti in dovere di dare spettacolo.

Charles Bukowski


24 44

Taci, Sulle soglie
del bosco non odo
parole che dici
umane; ma odo
parole più nuove
che parlano gocciole e foglie

Gabriele D'Annunzio
La pioggia nel pineto


C. Gluck

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