Un 'caballo de Troya' por del pasado día 14/4 y un 'pajarito de Troya' del mismo dibujante del 26/7/19

➕#humor s/

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Free Speech - Day 32
So guys !!! Elon bought twitter for 44 billion dollars ! I am excited to see where he takes twitter to. Twitter to the Moon or Mars ? 😂

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When something is important enough, you do it even if the odds are not in your favor. - Elon Musk
Digital painting of


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Elon Musk bought Twitter. That has nothing to do with my comic book CREEPSTERS but you should all buy it here: https://t.co/FLoW0dQlD5

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Giving away 15 WL ⛩

Like and retweet to be part of it ✅

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