First up, it's Batrophy ! These small, ragged-looking Enigmon cannot fly, despite being bats, and instead use the secretions from their bodies to stick to cave walls, floors, and ceilings.

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Alright, trainers... I've made you wait long enough. You want new reveals ? You got em' ! Four of em' in fact. Take your guesses, and look forward to the full reveals very soon !

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Icy caves are where Stalagmyte make their homes. These large, frozen Enigmon can slice through almost anything with their blade-like forearms, and despite their size, can climb on cave ceilings as well.

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Florust have natural protection against foes, thanks to their sharp, metallic legs, which they use to strike down opponents. Even with a sassy personality, they are known to protect other forest dwelling Enigmon.

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Casino owner, gambler, and all around shady dude, it's Maverick, the 7th Area Master ! Specializing in Shade Types, he doesn't really seem like he's on the up and up... It's hard to get a read on who this guy truly is...

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Introducing Bastion, the 2nd Area Master ! A Metal Type Specialist, he's got a stern and serious disposition, and holds the important job of overseeing all city planning and construction !

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Reveal time ! But not an Enigmon this time. Nope ! It's the Insect Type Specialist, August ! As an Area Master, he's responsible for overseeing his area and teaching trainers some basics.

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I'll leave a small hint for an upcoming reveal. (Not necessarily the next reveal.) Place your bets, and make your guesses ! Good luck.

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Well, I never found out who let the dogs out, but I did find the dog that got out. Meet Scruffian, a small, but loyal Beast type Enigmon that is as tough as it is friendly. They're often kept as pets for this reason.

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Eueffoh claim this planet in the name of... well, themselves. That said, they gave up on planet conquering, and now use their intellect to win Enigmon battles instead.

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Light Type reveal time, let's go ! First up is Valkana ! These proud, rookie warriors train day after day to hone their skills in wielding large spears. Peace and justice is what they strive for.

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Two new reveals coming very soon. Both Light Types, but with drastically different personalities. I'll shed some light on what to expect. They might even seem a little familiar...

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New reveal is here ! It's Sawrus, a metal dino with a literal edge ! With a razor sharp tail, made for slicing and dicing, these guys will cut down the competition. Don't get on their bad side !

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What's this !? Something just whizzed past me ! I didn't get a good look at it, but I caught a glimpse of its' twin tails and that's about it... What could it be ?

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With the holidays fast approaching, it's only natural that cookies and confectioneries would make their way onto the counter. That is until a hungry Yumtum finds them...

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Got some heavy lifting you need done ? Spheroid is ready to help ! If only they weren't so clumsy... At least he's always trying his best.

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Last two reveals for tonight ! Frozenymph are left in lakes, while Frosquito vehemently protect them by disguising as snowmen and strike threats with their ice cold proboscis, chilling them to the bone !

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Reveal time ! Here's Brighast ! These ghostly vessels wander the oceans of the region at night. Formed from the restless souls of pirates, they rise from the sea, haunting the seven seas until daybreak...

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Got a new sprite to share ! Continuing the Paknik love, here's the official sprite for the little guy !

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You aren't the only trainers out on a journey. Other people are just starting out too, so expect to see Rookie Trainers while out on your adventure ! They've got alot to prove, and won't shy away from a battle with you !

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