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ロマネスクの特徴はほっぺが赤く白めの肌、 ①オランダ製1240年。北フランスの特徴があり金泊加工してキラキラ。②北フランス製1240ー1260年、銀箔加工して上品なキラ、 ①②と似てる③カタルーニャ製、服装が他と違いますが赤いほっぺ。元気が良いキリストが特徴。13世紀
Museo Episcopal de Vic.
Museo Episcopal de Vic. 14世紀
マリアが3歳の時に両親に連れられエルサレムの寺院に訪れた様子。天使が3人かと思うと 中心にマリア、 羽がなんとも大きく美しい天使。父親イオアキムの光輪が ビックリしている様に見えます。
Museo Episcopal de Vic
Museu Episcopal de Vic
Process: Blueline pencils, inks, digital painting. Subject: The Rev. Pauli Murray. Civil rights activist. Women's rights activist. LGBTQ activist. Oh, and the 1st Black woman Episcopal priest. #paulimurray #episcopalchurch #religiousart #commission #portrait #illustration
Honoring Jonathan Daniels: ally & voting rights #activist who died 54 yrs ago shielding activist Ruby Sales from gunfire. The white seminarian believed people aren’t really free unless all humans are. He's now a saint in the Episcopal Church. #WeAreOne #Heroes #CivilRights #yalit
On the 1st March the Lord Lyon was privileged to attend the historic occasion of the Consecration and Installation of the First Woman Bishop in the Scottish Episcopal Church. The service took place in St Andrews Cathedral Aberdeen and Right Revd Anne Dyer was duly ordained.
Catholics, Baptists, Presbyterians, Methodists & Episcopalians agree: use my #Bible clipart