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with mobs you take less damage and best paired with evasion skills due to speed up, best character to use it with is Asagi with Koujinka or Kurenai herself with God's Eye. Penetration if you have that max out along with this active you can increase damage to defense even more.

4 30

You're in court for tax evasion and Rui is your lawyer. Are you winning?

28 423

there is a serial copyright abuser and sexual harasser who is ban evading. They have admitted to ban evasion and harassment off and on platform. They have doxxed multiple people and copyright struck 4 people maliciously.

63 87

tax evasion time.

101 590

- A Baal with Absolute swordsmanship, speed, illusion, slicing, evasion and speed infinitum as well as speed infinitum and supernatural condition.

- He is the embodiment of Void and has every Void ability, can kill anyone and anything.

Full list:

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