Day 24 of The closer we get to the end of this challenge the more it feels like a slog. But here’s a rare Angel!Crowley, the latest victim of ‘Sab Can’t Decide Where The Light Is Coming From’ syndrome

5 29

Day 20 of They all grew better. Including Crowley. ❤️

6 29

“It’s so important to make someone happy, just one someone happy” Day 19 of 💗

8 79

Day 17 of is another attempt at 70s Crowley. Such an iconic outfit. Will I draw this look again next week? Yes

6 38

Day 15 of - snek boi with bonus Aziraphale 😀

8 49

Day 13 of “Am I doing this right?” 😅 Crowley’s a bit new to this romance thing...but he knows what his angel likes!

14 67

Day 12 of My first attempt at 70s Crowley and it’s...a disgrace, an utter disgrace 😞

5 28

Chunli of the Freyaday 2020-09-11

6 19

Day 10 of What is it that water slides off of?

12 46

“Tell Nanny all about it.” Day 9 of ❤️

8 27

Day 8 of with bonus Aziraphale! ❤️ I couldn’t decide which pose to draw Crowley in haha

58 378

Day 7 of

He’s having a minor freak out cause it’s Monday

14 45

Day 6 of And that’s the first week of September done! Also...follow me on @/_sab.draws_ on Instagram, it’s mostly the same stuff but hnng I need attention

16 88

Day 5 of challenge

Some wet brushes, light paints and an errant unicorn

13 66

Day 4 of Sunglasses off, champagne glass on, admiring a certain angel hmm hmmm hmmmmmmm

9 53

Day 3 of - travelin’ through the phone line 😀

31 121