so i drew this while Ewiwa is playing Apex with Rosemi sama xD
rushed ̣obviously...ah well

1 23

I had a lot fun trying to come up with ideas for a this concept, since this is bit out of my comfort zone!
(my brain was melting)

20 273

Here's an additional concept incorporating a cloud, Elira's wings, and PIKL's eye bandage thing into the design. And of course FANG. Colors are based off Elira's original design but can easily recolored to whatever you want.

21 189


413 4807

Mascot with Elira's hair motif

67 434

My attempt at designing a Famelira mascot

8 129


I joined because it looked like fun!

34 259

Made quick doodles last night. Unrefined but it delivers, lol.

11 139

:D Here’s my attempt!#FameliraMascot

10 149

A little bit unrefined but this is what i made way back and while simple it seems to be about the same idea most people default to. I tried a lot of other designs but settled on this one because it's easy to draw, customizable and aligns very well with the theme.

10 114

Here's a design I came up with in January for a possible mascot. Easy to draw and can accessorize however you want. Plus... bwobby is so cuuute

10 171

I just love Amelia bro... I know she's bad but.. GODNESS!! 💕✨

9 49

Yo why is Amelia so damn fun to draw

25 113

I know it's early but the discussion of Elira drawing a mascot for Famelira and I couldn't get a dango with headwings outta my head lol

12 48