A couple of flat commissions I've done recently. It's nice being able to have time for my art again I must admit, silver lining to all the chaos going on in the world right now.
Characters are Azreal the winged wolf and Fargus the Hedgehog

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Another Comm for FargusTH on Discord. Of Tank for

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Commission for FargusTH on Discord (2/2)

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Commission for FargusTH on Discord. (1/2)

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Quick character portrait sketch thing. My boi Fargus.

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Commission for Fargus from FA.
Original post:https://t.co/5laUoBkN2Y

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My friend got me the comic I've been wanting for a while for Christmas, Ruinworld. I loved reading it this past week, and absolutely adored the characters. Course, had to draw some fanart! Here's Fargus, who I recommend ya keep on your good side!

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Thought I'd share this one here,for the challenge,my take on Fargus,a character from Derek Laufman's awesome RuinWorld series,isuue nº1 in stores now and you can also pre-order nº2-3 🤘

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I decided to take the challenge with 's character, Fargus. Ruinworld is out in comic shops today!

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Commission for Fargus of his character in my style of hedgehogs. I love drawing hedgehogs so it was fun to do! <3

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