I know its really no one's cup of tea but my brain is consumed by Rylavellan 🥺 and maybe this time anxiety won't tell me to delete this 😆 anyway, Farie, non inky Lavellan, and commander Rylen 💖 they are chille and unproblematic (so far 😂)

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What would you do upon encountering your anomaly? There is an energy within you that you must face and conquer in order to become who you are meant to be.

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So hi, I'm Rosalynn and I'm a digital illustrator obsessed with faries lately 💫

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Day 5 of 10 days art challenge (we're halfway through!) - another oldie, a piece done to celebrate Dragon Age Day. The first time I incorporated Lemko elements to my art, and where Farie's design concept began to take shape 💖

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I like all my OCs the same amount *throws 2638th Farie art on the pile*

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Frazzled Aloe surrounded by her stress absorbent faries.

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23 and 24. The other two faries

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This one, green in colour, glows teal in the light of the moon. Cheeky, small, and unafraid.

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Old lore told of faries swapping mortal children for a 'changeling'. Some folk, believing they'd been so cursed, roasted, drowned or beat this child, causing mutilation or death

Alice Bolingbroke Woodward (1862-1951 English)

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Happy Easter from me and my new OC, Sugar Peep!

character by: fariel on insta ❤️

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Aquestes que farien l'una sense l'altre?

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Dropping Farie because why not 😎

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