Her long hair flickered in the midnight blast
She sighed with sighs inhuman;
On snow-white horse she galloped fast.
– Johannes Carsten Hauch, The Wild Hunt.

The Wild Hunt is a folklore motif involving a host of lost spirits led by a legendary deity at Yuletide.

12 79

To counter the ill-will of witches or evil spirits that mean you harm, wear ‘Elf-Arrows’ or ‘Fairie Darts’ set in silver or gold as a necklace.

🎨 Ulla Thynell

29 140

Autumn gave golden fruit to every garden, but to the Giant's garden she gave none. 'He is too selfish,' she said. So it was always Winter there, and the North Wind, and the Hail, and the Frost, and the Snow danced about through the trees.

🎨Lisbeth Zwerger

13 29

The ax struck deep into its marrow. The tree sighed as it fell to the ground. It felt faint with pain. Instead of the happiness it had expected, the tree was sorry to leave the home where it had grown up. – Hans Christian Andersen: Fir-Tree

9 30

"The arrangements and decorations of the banquet were probably intended to signify that death in life which had been the testator’s definition of existence."
(Hawthorne "The Christmas Banquet")


Welcome to a seasonally soppy

RTs from 10am-10pm CET

9 37

...before they left, they went first to take the dead head of the stepsister and let three drops of blood drip from it onto the floor, one in front of the bed, one in the kitchen, and one on the stairs. Then they ran off 🖤

🗨️ Brothers Grimm
🎨 Arthur Rackham

13 48

"It can scarcely be owing to chance that three of the masterpieces of the literature of all time, the 'Oedipus Rex' of Sophocles, Shakespeare's 'Hamlet' and Dostoevsky's 'The Brothers Karamazov' should all deal with the same subject, parricide"
(Sigmund Freud)

16 80

"The sea has never been friendly to man. At most it has been the accomplice of human restlessness."
(Joseph Conrad)

🎨 Thomas Moran

38 154

Although their real existence is not proven, it is said that, on stormy nights, the Galician RAQUEIROS (from English wrecker) tied torches to the horns of cows and released them on the cliffs, to confuse the ships that sailed near the coast and cause their wreck.

20 61

C18th sentimentalism forever changed the public grieving of a child’s death. The intellectual Sir Brooke Boothby, lost his child Penelope (age 6). On her sad tomb it read: ‘The unfortunate parents ventured their all on this frail bark and the wreck was total.’

8 61

‘The Visit at Moonlight’ by E.T. Parris (1832)

47 174

Second Fool: "Who builds stronger than a mason, a shipwright, or a carpenter?"

First Fool: "...a gravemaker: the houses that he makes last till doomsday."

--Hamlet, Shakespeare.
🎨Caspar David Friedrich (1810)

21 88

Ravens are considered Psychopomps (Greek ψυχοπομπός, means guide of souls), entities depicted in many cultures, that guides the souls into the afterlife or messengers between worlds.#faustianfriday
🎵My Music and art: "Facing the Dream" feat crows https://t.co/uyDfxGY3ej

4 12

"And cried, homesick for his fair native lake:
"Rain, when will you fall? Thunder, when will you roll?"
I see that hapless bird, that strange and fatal myth"

🎨 Jan Asselijn (c 1650)

17 74

Strzyga (Strix): Slavic Malevolent Winged Female Demon With Two Souls That Usually Haunts Churches, Towers, Barns https://t.co/SvfBrVXzWd

6 25

"but another crows
beneath the earth,
a soot-red cock,
in the halls of Hel" (Völuspá)

Three cocks crowing foretell the coming of the end of days, as prophesied to Odin by a völva in the Poetic Edda.

🎨 Gris Grimly

11 45

A Flemish tale says a bird followed a man. One day the bird shapeshifted into a skull. The man had to go to communion to know if the shapeshifter was in heaven or hell. A smell of fire surrounded the man and the print of a burned hand was left on his property.

37 186

"...it means a death is close, and in that way they are like ravens or crows" (Margaret Atwood)


Welcome to a ominously feathered

RTs between 10am - 10pm CET

🎨 Caspar David Friedrich "Tree of Crows" (c 1822)

7 46

“Then he saw them. The gulls." (du Maurier)


Tell your tales and share your images of

"Fiendish Fowl – Feathered Omens and Devilish Birds"


RTs Friday between 10 am - 10pm CET

🎨 Segatini

27 84