Staring contest initiated 😶 🧟‍♀️

0 7

What a time to be alive. Front Facing Fellaz on She's a beaut no? One of the cleanest Bettys.

2 57

Happy Got my front facing fellaz out and ready for the weekend 🤘

1 35

Giving the full frontal on this happy

1 21

My frontfacing fellaz 🧟‍♂️ sheesh

0 3

OooOOooohhh my front-facing looks ALLLLL KIIIIINDS OF NICE!!! LFG

Thanks & 🧟🧟‍♀️🧟‍♂️💚

6 57

There we go, my now in full frontal view thx to an IP extension. I like my little dead geek 🤗

0 2

is sooo much better with Front Facing droppin!!!

3 46

i love this new angle, my just the way I envision him

4 41

Phoofy is looking at you dead in the face... wyd?

Happy with the official 💚

3 56

Aw love the front-facing fellaz! 💞🧟‍♀️

3 25

My dearest ,

Thank you so much for delivering the Front Facing Fellaz to us 💚🧟‍♀️🧟🧟‍♂️

Feeling even more in love with my fella!

Are there any I'm not following yet?


5 76