Here's a fluffy little saw whet owl I had the pleasure of illustrating as a Christmas surprise.
I love it when friends commission me to draw things for other friends!

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Project Animalia 571
Giant shield bug (Tessaratomidae sp.)

Sometimes I see a picture of an insect (or if I'm luck in real life) and say, "I must paint you!"

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Project Animalia 569
Halloween hermit crab (Ciliopagurus strigaus)

A crab with moxy, a dashing name, stripy legs, and a taste for green algae and cyanobacteria.

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Project Animalia 566
Lewis's moon snail (Neverita lewissi)

A very cool marine from the PNW. I found many of their shells and strange egg-cases on the beaches of my childhood.

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Project Animalia 564
Roughsnout ghost pipefish (Solenostomus paegnius)

My recent weekend hobby has been doing the dead-man float over seagrass beds looking for pipefish. But I never find them...

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Project Animalia 558
Orange-winged pytilia (Pytilia afra)

Today, a beautiful colorful African waxbill!

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Project Animalia 556
Longwave gulf fiddler crab (Minuca longisignalis)

If there is one thing I've learned from this project...
it's that people really like looking at crabs.

Who knew? Crab for the people.

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Naturgetreue Abblidungen und Beschreibungen der essbaren by Krombholz, J. V. - 1831 ~

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