Hey, hi, I'm Rosi/toherrys and I really like Axel/Lea 8)
Lea and Kairi is best brotp ✨

233 537

hey, i'm trinity! 💫
i got into kh with kh2 and i've been quietly floating in the fandom ever since. i'm not the most frequent art poster, but i really love ansem's apprentices and sorikai!! i'd love to make more kh pals!! :>

7 13

A bit late but, ♡ I draw and do a bit of cosplay, and have been in love with KH since 2006~

6 13

Hi, I'd love to meet other kingdom hearts fans an artists alike. I've loved kingdom hearts since roughly 2007 where I found the manga in a library andborrowed the only two they had, while after that I found out there was a game, which my neighbor was selling.

0 2

Hi everyone! I'm Ku, and I've been KH fan since KH1. I also draw lots of KH fanart especially 813 (AkuRoku) and now I'm doing Kh until KH3 release! :D

2 21

Hey I'm Quel, and I wanted to participate in even though I don't have a lot of fanart that I drew of it (I'll draw more). I've been a huge fan ever since the first game came out, and I would really love to have more friends that love the game as much as I do. <3

1 4

Hi, I'm Hearoto. Been playing and making KH art since 2008 but only started interacting with the fandom in 2017. I don't post fanarts often but you can count on my constant screaming about the game

36 111

Hi! I'm Adele, and has been dear to my heart for well over a decade now. Currently I only have my lanky boi to post (both new and super old art), but I wanted to hop onto this tag! Such a fun idea, and so many great artists to discover. 👑💞

29 98

I'm Nairda, and I've been on this fuckin train for over a decade. I got some stuff planned for January 29th 😈

8 50

Hi, I'm Resuri-. I loved KH for more than 10 years and I'll continue to love it for a long time. This game made me able to meet my fiancée. ♥Also Ventus is my son and I'm drawing all those kids gay.

0 4

hi i'm jena!! i've loved kingdom hearts since KH1 and the series influenced me a lot creatively. i'm in a constant state of showing kairi love and drawing her as well as sora. i'll be doing an art countdown for the last 13 days so ... excitement!! 🌸

587 1536

Hi I’m Rio and I’ve been playing kh since elementary school and it’s kinda the reason I’m still alive today

205 470

hello im alex and i like to be sad about video games
ive loved kh so much for so long- its inspired me to be the artist i am today and has allowed me to meet so many amazing people along the way
and lets ride this rollercoaster together to the end🎉🗝️

200 728

I’m Jen and I love Sora and Roxas so so so so much and I just want them to be HAPPY, DAMN IT

3 15

Hey I'm Ura/Cindy and I've been into KH ever since my older brother bought me DDD and already assumed I was into KH lmao Joined by accident and stayed for the Soriku 💖💖💖

3 10

I’m Zak!! I’ve been playing Kingdom Hearts games my whole life and drawing these characters has always shaped my art!! Happy to see this tag bringing people together :)

0 4

Hi! I'm Ken! I've been a KH fan for 16 years and my favorite character of all time is Sora. KH helped shape my art into what it is today. I literally draw Sora all the time... oh and I draw other people too XD

6 23

So excited for KH3🌟the hype is so real rn!👑🌌🔑#FollowMeToKH3

2 9

Hi~I’m Sun and I’ve admired the kh series since 2002. My mind gets wrapped in AUs way too often and not enough of the main stuff. I’d really like to get involved into the kh community more and try to make some friends if possible.

60 140

hello, i’m sera! 🌸 i’ve been in love with kh for almost a decade now including drawing lots of fanart for it!! i love kairi & roxas with all my heart 💕

189 552