Wherever you go
I'll forever behind you💪✨

7 5

만난지 4년^♡^ 그 어느 때보다도 반가운 날인 것 같다. 좋은 노래 항상 고마워요

51 13

[Works in January] Peter Pan?Elf?...Gwiyo Zelo!!🌟

3 1

Belief. And we will and we can wait. Endure. Give time its chance.

14 5

[Fanart] สู้ไปด้วยกันนะคะ !!

cr.HiHi_Channie | DO NOT EDIT

59 15

[Fanart] ♥♡BAP♥♡♥♡BABY♥♡

cr.HiHi_Channie | DO NOT EDIT

58 26

[Fanart] You never walk alone.I'm here for you..

cr.HiHi_Channie | DO NOT EDIT

83 29

"ถ้าBAPมีขนาดมินิ..." แฟนอาร์ตที่เห็นแล้วยิ้ม+น้ำตาซึม 😭
(Cr:Winkkiss92 Source:Tumblr TransTH:ติดแจ)

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