that shaped my childhood and my love of comics.

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really takes a good long look into ur soul

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pretty much the only that mattered to me as a kid

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Here are some comics that really influenced me when I was younger(ish).

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that mean a whole lot to me, read at varying ages under 16.

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My influences! Not too surprising. Slayers, in particular, more Rui Araizumi's art than Shoko Yoshinaka

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Here are my that made me draw non-stop for years.Of course there lots more but those are the seminal.

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These had a huge impact on me as a wee lad.

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Here are *specific issues* that I obsessed over as a teen. Carrying around, re-reading over & over.

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I read as a young adult and changed something…

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that influenced me growing up. 10 years old was my sweet spot.

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