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Frogram and Flora enjoyed imagining how they would be like angels in their resurrection.
The story of the visiter ended with the death of the woman at last. Frogram, Flora and also the elder felt a vast emptiness in that story.
Among the audience, the frogs found the Script teacher who was friendly to Jesus and frogram.
The frogram and Flora decided to keep following Jesus despite all that had happened.
As Jesus passed by them, he smiled at the sleeping frogram. Only Latte was aware of that.
Seeing the frogs was falling into sleep, the ram went to back them up, and the whole frogram went into sleep again.
The frogram watched for Jesus to find something in him, but it was too early in the morning and the frogs soon got sleepy again.
Latte found Jesus going out somewhere. The frogram went following after him, whereas the human guys were sleeping well.
It became the midnight and all the humans seemed to have gone into the hatch to sleep. The frogram were going to stay outside as the watch.
Jesus had no place to settle down. He was going to camp in the abandoned hut outside of the city. Frogram was watching him and his disciples.
revenge attack for @.frogradio ! *sorry for not posting a lot of art recently btw :[
John asked Matthew to repeat the bitter parable Jesus had told so that the frogram could hear it, for Matthew was good at summarizing stories.
The frogram met Peter and John. They were going to find a place to camp out of the city. Aren't there anyone in the city to host them? Perhaps Jesus made a trouble in the temple?
After animals, men came running, complaining about Jesus! On the other hand, honorably looking men was hurrying to the Temple. What was happening? Frogram&Flora decided to go to see it.
The frogram and Flora found Jesus and his disciples. The authorities of the city was complaining that his disciples and many other people were shouting so loud to praise Jesus.
Moreover, the owner of the donkeys had quite an experience that Jesus had often visited him and his family when he was a child.The donkeys had heard about that many time, but frogram and the two disciples were much interested in it.
Bartholomew was ashamed that he had been skeptic about Jesus until he met him, though he need not to be. The frogram were getting more and more familiar with the twelve disciples of Jesus.