Safta reached Rank 1 Legend with this Midrange Token Druid deck last night.

2 15

Beautiful "Val'Kyr SoulClaimer" card art by
Hideaki Takamura (2017)

16 76

Zetalot says he wouldn't want to face his N'Zoth Priest on the ladder.

5 12

Our first guide is now available! Learn about the new Tempo Warrior going around:

3 11

Need some tips to beat this week's bosses? Our new guides can help!

2 6

Be sure to check out our list of the five best decks so far:

10 47

One more from the new expansion: this is for a card titled "Unchained Magic".

10 23

It's hard to believe, but was rocking with Prince 3 in Ramp Druid - in Legend!

0 7

Handbuff Paladin is played by in Legend on his stream right now!

2 6

Here's an angry little fellow I painted for Knights of the expansion!

5 55

Wow! has gone on a 20+ game win streak with this Control Warlock!

3 29

Our streamer / pro player roundup post now contains 20+ deck lists across all classes!

5 12

¿Cuántos vais a domesticar al intrépido GARRAPARTHAS el primer día de 'Caballeros del Trono Helado'?

4 34

¿Qué os parece el arte de la cara 'Jaina La Exánime'?

20 70

We're rounding up new decks from streamers and pro players here:

3 12

Need a deck to play? We remind you that we have theorycrafted decks!

2 7

Our card guides are now available! Check out the math behind the set's most influential cards!

5 28

Make sure to read up on ' thoughts on the cards before diving in tomorrow!

0 5

Four decks ready for tomorrow: Highlander Priest, Token Druid, Miracle Rogue, & Wild Renolock!

4 15

With the launch of tomorrow, the final part of our card review series has arrived!

2 9