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A pop-up café serving cute Ribon-chan latte art by Yazawa Ai on coasters with shoujo classics like Tokimeki Tonight, TenNai, Kodocha, Hime-chan no Ribbon, Chibi Maruko-chan & Marmalade Boy will be open from Oct 3-Oct 22 to promote the Ribon furoku book☕️ https://t.co/gRfZiD2lwJ
Oi, gente linda! Tô passando aqui pra avisar que a "The Hana to Yume" (edição especial da Hana to Yume) lançou HOJE e tem capa + furoku (brinde) com ilustração diva de Akatsuki no Yona. TÁ LINDO DE MORRER!
Utena as Justice and The High Priestess from the 1997 Ciao Furoku Tarot Deck. The originals, no more than two inches tall, are from hotwaterandmilk's private collection, edited and hosted at Empty Movement with her permission. (Originals here: https://t.co/KbAoaV1PMU) Thank you!!
Animage (07/1989) - Maimu (舞夢 ~ MIME) on the front cover of the free supplement booklet/furoku “The Art of Haruhiko Mikimoto”. Illustration by Haruhiko Mikimoto. https://t.co/mAsePuHDWP
Animage (07/1994) - Front & back cover of "Bye Bye Belldandy Book” booklet/furoku https://t.co/bOHBJZWB2q