🍒["I'm Cherry! Cherry Sweetheart.]🔪

[Ready for Help!!//Ready for the fight!]

"*o-oh! you w-want me on your team?..O-okay! I won't disappoint you!!"

A.C: a❤️&🔄would be appreciated!! thank chuu!! ✨

4 14

[Kacy] The son of Kanaye and Lucy UwU

*gift for my friend!! <3

6 15

["In the name of the moon and stars your...TIME'S OUT."]

5 13

[🏹Practicing magic*]

Fang:...jmjm~...*creando sus flechas y leyendo un libro en su descanso*..

Fang: Awanta que!?--

5 12

"Fang Midnight to serve you...h-hey watch out or you'll break -!..*sigh*...I'll have to clean that."

> "Midnight Butler" -Although she considers him her son.

> Has dual personality

> Use the Bow as Weapon

5 14

Tear S.L [2021]

"huh what with that look?"-Tear.

5 11


>I'm Cherry Sweetheart Love! (yup i'm back)

>Nice see you all again,Have a little draw of Derry-Chan!

>Have a nice day! night! or afternoon! eheh!

New Derry-chan!!

7 17

🌙💫Midnight 💖🌟?

"would you like to hang out with me?"

2 14

[Poor derry-chan x'd]

No no no...Bueno si XD

5 12

[How Long Ago?]

[-sing- Todo se derrumbo..Dentro de mi..dentro de mi :'v]

2 16

Cherry say: "It's okay" / Kanaye say:"No..isn't okay..."

[Yes, Cherry dies..this is cannon.]

5 19

[I'm sad, stressed, and bored.Soo i made me draw of a little kanaye to cheer me up]

3 14

Is Derry-chan!!

[The personality of her father and the cuteness of her mother(?]

4 12