Well actually Gandharva is one of the few people in who deals with more misfortune than Raltara soo😅😅

0 8

That one's just a bit more risky. Just a bit. But I also want to be able to draw attractive poses! =3=
Here's a Gandharva waiting just for you

15 40

Yep, that's why Ananta can do shit like snapping Gandharva's freaking neck in order to knock him out

0 7

See, this is why I love the arrangement of the order of the events in because after reading this my brain immediately cues to Gandharva wailing at her funeral so instead of getting mad, I read this with a smirk on my face😏

0 9

Makara being done with Gandharva's bs is so freaking funny😂😂

0 9

Ananta is totally one of my favorite characters ever in my man did his part in stopping the freaking team garbage, protected Gandharva by knocking his arrogant ass out and dipped. 10/10 character💜

0 9

Daamn, look at Gandharva, he was a true menace back then but this actually makes me wanna see him fight side by side with Agni properly in the future😁 I wish he could have a chance to do that with Airavata as well but he can't do that anymore…😢😢

0 8

His eyes tho💜 Ngl, it's actually kind of fun to watch Gandharva fight in his prime😅😅

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It's a good thing that even in his worst times, Gandharva at least wasn't foolish enough to become friends with trash

0 8

Here comes that piece of garbage, Asura. Also, Gandharva is the one who's standing next to him, isn't it? God fucking dammit Gandharva, they were not kidding when they said he was the universe's number one bad guy

0 8

The First Collaboration - Tan 🦅👣
Tokyo afterschool summoners -
Gandharva & Thunderbird 🦅🦅🔥🔥
Let's start the character of March..!

4 35

Personally, I find them crushing the souls of the humans in order to manage the grudges as heinous as Gandharva crushing the humans' souls. It's basically the same thing in my eyes

0 9

Okay, I wanted to emphasize this speech bubble right there because that's exactly what I believe in as well. That's why especially people like Gandharva should not die, they need to stay alive no matter what and atone for their sins instead

0 9

Ohh that's really clever. He realized that Kubera was watching him all this time so he "threatened" to expose himself to Gandharva in order to lure him out

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No no no, god fucking dammit Gandharva!! I was wondering if he had children other than Shakun at any point tho because when Raltara's friend mentioned how much their dad enjoyed killing humans, I thought of Gandharva for a split sec

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Excuse me, what????!!!! Is that why she looked so familiar???? But how???? Omg, don't tell me that the baby is Gandharva

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These pieces of garbage deserved to die even worse than that but I guess the person who had the internal monologue earlier is not Gandharva

0 9

Unfortunately, Maruna is right in everything he just said. Even though technically Gandharva has stopped killing humans, he did not learn the necessary lesson he needed to learn. So, him not murdering those humans himself does not mean that his hands are clean

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