The Lord of the Coast: "My god... W-we found one... A LIVING CRYSTALLOSUCHUS! It was spotted just off the coast of the Glass Ocean, hunting a gelidens. By the time we had arrived, it had already consumed the gelidens and moved on..."

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Gelidens: "A large, predatory species native to the Glass Ocean. Gelidens are roughly the same length of an orca, and have both predatory instinct and the intelligence on par with an orca. Unlike orcas however, gelidens are solitary creatures."

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I’m just peachy! 🍑
(Sorry for the repost)

🎨 - Panjii

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𝘈𝘩𝘩𝘩𝘩~ 𝘚𝘦𝘪-𝘔𝘢-𝘙𝘴𝘪! 𝙎𝙀𝙄𝙈𝘼𝙍𝙎𝙄!!!!
Kamen Rider Gelid, SeiMaRsi Combo
Transforms with the Gelid Tomahawk.

This ain't gonna be the last of her, mainly due to the fact that I'm insane and an OOO nut.

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It's peaches and cream (I'm hungry)

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“Winter Von Schnee is one whose presence demands respect, none daring to meet her wrath for the one that does will not escape unscathed.” — Fatui member

◆ Winter • Wrath of the Tundra
◆ Captain of the Fatui Military.
◆ Cryo
◆ Rosa Gelida

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I’m Angelide (or Angel)! I’m a peaches & cream lionhead rabbit vtuber who escaped as an experiment, I play a variety of games on stream & love to just chill!
Here’s some links!
More socials/dono here:

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I don’t have many references but here’s my boi Gelidus!

One on the right was made by

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Un de boca de dragón gelido

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“Oggi siamo seduti, alla vigilia
di Natale,noi,gente misera,
in una gelida stanzetta,
il cento corre fuori,il vento entra.
Vieni,buon Signore Gesù,da noi,volgi lo sguardo:
perché tu ci sei davvero necessario.”
—Bertold Brecht


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GELID Wishes You A Merry Christmas
15% Off On All The Products!
Code automatically applied at checkout.
13th to 27th December 2021, UTC+08:00 Time Zone
Grab the offer on :

53 1253

Oh! I have made a bit of art btw

The lady with the cuown is the queen Gelid ruler of the winter kingdom, and the reindeer is "Rain" the 5th fastest messanger that flies with her magic gingle bell

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Le tue labbra
"petali di rose",
mi sussurrasti
in quel gelido mattino.

Un bacio ancora
e mi stringevi forte,
ma non fuggì via.

non sapevo nulla,
e mi lasciai andare
al tuo volere.

L'attimo colto
a volte
può colmare
un'intera vita.

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[ Haza64 | fanart | mcyt ]

Card 13

Blue | KING | "Haza - Gelid"

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Tonight I'm part of a comfy gartic phone collab organised by lily! no boys allowed (maybe you are allowed to watch hmm) just me and the gals @/pyrolily99 @/BakehanaKamini @/angelide01 @/luluskiess @/SynAustra
11 pm MEZ !! see what girls are really up to during sleepovers!

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Look who finally has a face! Everyone’s favorite weird sapphic gargoyle, Gelides

Cw blood

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Fotogallery (Nella foto: Autore sconosciuto)
Cosa troverete: un talmente gelido da far affondare il Titanic; un profilo infiammabile; una macchina traboccante di fiori...

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G.F. Watts 1860

Scuote gli alberi il vento d’autunno,
nella notte umida e gelida;
avvolto nel mio grigio mantello,
cavalco tutto solo nel bosco.
e si sente la quercia parlare:
«Cosa vuoi, folle cavaliere,
con questo tuo folle sognare ?» H. Heine

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