Less than a week before the first “Danger Day” featuring
“From the Acorn of Truth…”
That’s June 11th @ https://t.co/ns7as9okSB
Join free to read “The V’ to date b/f this rippin’ yarn hits ether!

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A “myth-mash” will be served later in May!
“From the Acorn of Truth…” journeys back to a time when fact & legend collided! @ https://t.co/ns7as96K13 for alerts & “The V” to date!

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Get your “history helmet” on!
THE VANGUARDIAN: Ep.3 - “From the Acorn of Truth…” will be hitting the ether later in the month! Read “The V’” to date @ https://t.co/ns7as96K13 &join up free while you’re there!

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When is a yarn a “rippin’ yarn?”
Join free @ https://t.co/ns7as96K13 to find out! to read ALL our titles to date! That’s over 200+ pages free!

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“We make rippin’ yarns!” That’s what we do at DANGER COMICS! We pay homage to classic & @ https://t.co/ns7as96K13 free thread all our titles to date!

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Read THE VANGUARDIAN to date @ https://t.co/ns7as96K13
The adventure starts in his visions…but, are the visions his?
Episode 3: “From the Acorn of Truth…” slams the ether in May!

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THE VANGUARDIAN saga continues in May!
A rippin’, yarn by
(story/art) & edited by
Dave Thomas (ANOMALIES/THE ANOMALY.) @ https://t.co/ns7as96K13 for alerts & ALL the comics to date!

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They’ll fight for something you take for granted; but, never really had!
The third episode hits in May @ https://t.co/ns7as96K13
Read “THE V” to date at the site & free!

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Dive in! The water’s DANGER-ous!
THE VANGUARDIAN will hit the ether for the third installment of Vol.1: Kings & Pawns soon @ https://t.co/ns7as96K13
Join free at the site to read
"THE V” to date!

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Stay tuned for update for the next
VANGUARDIAN yarn! News, updates, & tidbits on its progress to come! Join @ https://t.co/ns7as96K13 for ALL our rippin’ yarns to date!

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We are particularly proud to announce that Eunice Olumide MBE will be appearing at this year to discuss Scotland’s design heritage.

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Don’t want to pull a “hammy.”
Warm-up with Miss C., yet again. Now, I !! :-)

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The “other Jeff” must know he’ll be going through the wringer like his doppelgänger, THE ANOMALY, who was the original “Masked Rider” in ANOMALIES… whew… time-travel weirdness!
THE ANOMALY: “Fissure, Cut, Bait!” posts Tu. @ https://t.co/ns7as96K13

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Do you ever feel that someone or something is “pulling the strings?” You’re not paranoid. He’s here to cut them.
THE VANGUARDIAN from https://t.co/ns7as96K13 Read it to date at the site &

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“We make rippin’ yarns!”
Register free @ https://t.co/ns7as96K13 for alerts to posts & All our titles to date!

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A cosmic Game played.
To the winner goes our planet.
Humans are "pieces moved about the board” as eons pass.
Endgame approaches….
one "piece" refuses to be moved!
with THE VANGUARDIAN, a rippin’, yarn @ https://t.co/ns7as96K13

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If you’re new to DANGER, then feel free to register @ https://t.co/ns7as96K13 to read ALL our titles to date…well,…FREE! The ANOMALY: “Fissure, Cut, Bait!” posts a new page later today at the site!

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