As much as I like logos that subvert standard sports logos rules like outlines and color hierarchy, I decided B had the most utility. Tested it out on some of our collegiate tigers last night.

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Ricordate il walltext di Fanart sorteggiate con i miei amici? Ecco, sono tornate.
Tutti i rispettivi personaggi nei commenti.

1 9

L'amore è amore!💞
Buon sia che lo festeggiate con la persona amata, con la famiglia, con gli amici o con i vostri personaggi fictional preferiti.

5 10

e sereno poterti contemplare.
O mia bella Sirmio, salve! rallegrati,
ora il tuo signore è qui, e voi lidie onde
del lago, rallegratevi; echeggiate
gridi ridenti di gioia nella casa.

7 9

Vi auguro una. Buona serata
A tuttiiii
Mi ritrovo spesso tra le sfumature della sera
L anima si adagia beata tra le gradazioni del cielo
Mentre il cuore sceglie
Tra le ombreggiate del crepuscolo
La giusta tonalità
Per dipingere l inizio del sogno
Marie Vini

2 14

doing studium quests for fisher and everyone is dressed up like a collegiate scholar and i'm just here in my dad outfit

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🌟⭐️Live-2D Showcase⭐️🌟

I just finished my collegiate independent research. I’ve spent the last 15 weeks learning being taught by the incomparable .

Everyone say hello to “Angel”! My very first rig!

Art by:

6 23

To any of our collegiate gameHERs out there taking finals this week, YOU GOT THIS! 💪✨

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Max Hendrix was a collegiate star quarterback before his mutation - his draft stock evaporated with the mutant athlete bans. Having used Brazilian Jiujitsu as a training method he switched seamlessly to pro fighting.

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2 anni fa, nel nord della Siria, e il suo autista venivano uccisi in un agguato da forze appoggiate dalla Turchia.
Era una delle più note politiche e attiviste per i diritti umani e si batteva anche per la coesistenza pacifica fra curdi, cristiano-siriaci e arabi.

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Today's aquatic monsters are the Kuo-toa from Dungeons & Dragons!

As amphibious creatures, they're able operate both in land and water. Their most fearsome ability, however, is that to contagiate and spread their own madness among other kinds.

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If it becomes modern, collegiate... ?

110 563

CALL FOR APPLICATIONS by AUG 9: LSA Collegiate Fellows & President’s Postdoctoral Fellowship Programs. Seeking EEB applicants whose research, teaching, service will contribute to and equal opportunity in higher education. PLS RT

28 20

It's Back to the Future with Khang Giate's eye-catching Air Mag posters... because where we're going, we don't need roads:

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love the collegiate stuff I can finally have a pleated skirt for my tank glam that's a lil bit longer than the faire kohakama 🥺

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Ho subito un danno
Le persone
sono pericolose,
Sanno di poter

Juliette Binoche


Man Ray

8 15