The wars. Bluster, hubris and cakeism as usual with Good to plagiarise poor old Gillray anyway. Hope he's not turning in his grave (which is about to get a nice headstone, since you ask). [Telegraph Sunday 10/10/21].

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Una propuesta deliciosa🇬🇧🇫🇷
En enero de 1805, Napoleón propuso una reconciliación con UK, y el inglés James Gillray dibujó esta caricatura
«El pudín de ciruela en peligro» muestra a Napoleón y el primer ministro de UK, William Pitt, compartiendo un pudín que simboliza el mundo🔁

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James Gillray b.
Search the digital library for more than 900 images of works by the noted English caricaturist

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The caricaturist James Gillray was born August 13, 1756 in Chelsea. The first caricature we thought of was this one of George III - what are your other favourites?

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English caricaturist James Gillray, was born 1756. Considered the 'father of modern political cartoon', in his works he depicted George III, Napoleon, prime ministers, and other important people of his time. Gillray also satirized Napoleon as "Little Boney".

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New College Notes—issue 15 now published

’s scholarly open-access e-journal New College Notes (ISSN 2517–6935) published today

Articles on: New College’s Gillrays—De Brailes Psalter—Finessing Ptolemy’s Almagesta—First Edwardian Prayer Book

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Una propuesta deliciosa🇫🇷🇬🇧
En enero de 1805, Napoleón propuso una reconciliación con UK, y el inglés James Gillray dibujó esta caricatura
«El pudín de ciruela en peligro» muestra a Napoleón y el primer ministro de UK, William Pitt, compartiendo un pudín que simboliza el mundo🌍

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El encuentro entre y convertido por en parodia de la sátira "El pudín de ciruela en peligro" ('The Plumb-pudding in danger', 1805) de James Gillray

➕#humor al /

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y Ursula von der Leyen han vuelto a interpretar "El pudín de ciruela en peligro" (The Plumb-pudding in danger) de James Gillray en el de
Esta vez duele más


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Died 1Jun1815 James Gillray - Prince of Caricaturist - Francis Grose, the famous English antiquarian and lexicographer, wrote a book titled "Rules for Drawing Caricatures" and in it he offered ...

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John Bull taking luncheon (1798), commenting on the Royal Navy's 'appetite' for destroying French frigates. Notice Nelson on the right.

Another masterpiece by Gillray

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18th May 1803, Britain declared war on France, bringing the peace negotiated at Amiens to an end.

Gillray's stunning print 'The Plumb Pudding in danger' (1805) satirises how both sides were consumed with terrirtorial ambitions during this period.

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inspiró en un mapa satírico publicado por James Gillray en 1793 su visión del conflicto pesquero francobritánico


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to prove that mad people have been making up claims about what vaccinations do since vaccinations have existed; a Gillray cartoon about the imagined effects of the smallpox vaccine, based on cowpox:

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JOSHUA REYNOLDS ya la incluye en el retrato de SIR WILLIAM HAMILTON (1777)

Tal era importancia de dicha cerámica que sirvió de motivo para sátiras sobre el diplomático. JAMES GILLRAY (1801)

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James Gillray : The Fall Of Icarus, Bohn Edition, 1851

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