I know is late but I did this for the 600 followers ( ̄∇ ̄) congratulations to rhegie and I hope he like this a little sussy art

5 19

I totally forgot to post this but uhmm. Me in very nice clothing lmao enjoy. You don't see this often and probably never will after hahahaha I do love this art tho! 🥰💙💙

🎨: 💙💙

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4 16

Adaaaa wkwkwkwk terutama 3 org ini wkwkwkwkw, Mana (pic 1), Vla (pic 2) dan Ayako (pic 3). Mereka tipe kul wumen gitu tapi ga pala tinggi sih, paling tinggi sih keknya Ayako kali ya wkwkwk aku rada lupa tingginya

Vla btw tingginya 168 cm

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Kalo aku lagi suka sama Daun soalnya doi unyu, imoed, pendec www tingginya 171, karna masih kelas 1 SMA, dan doi ini OCku yg paling muda, umurnya 15 tahun. Tapi, tengil juga keknya ketularan si Radith

0 0

Sebuah solusi agar tidur tenang bersama cha

Walau paginya sakit mata aowkwkw

1 4


kepo deh, di manga tuh nanti rin sama isagi bakal setim gak sih?? kalo bakal setim itu di arc / chap berapa ya??? soalnya keknya rin jago bgtttt kali aja mereka setim lawan tim lebih kuat atau lawan siapa gitu terus isaginya (cont..)

2 13

Did I ever mention that is one of my favorite streamers? Also its his birthday! So happy birthday you adorably foxboyo! Thanks for suddenly stumbling onto my life. May many beautiful wishes come your way and be awesome as always 💛❤

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Tingginya sama, sama-sama ganteng juga 🥰

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My oc was originally planned to also be a treasure thief with dual wielding daggers :3 while also being a stinky kitty of course 😄 I'm just really loving this artstyle 🥰😗

🎨: 👻

7 28

"Itu isinya apa Mbak? Paketnya wangy ya"
- Ibu ibu random di kurir
"Oh iya, wanginya dari sini ya?"
- Admin kurir

Ehehe, wangynya nembus xD
Dengan ini, paket udah sukses dikirim~
Makasi buat yang udah sabar nunggu dan semangatin Epel buat sembuh 💙
Ditunggu paketnya tiba ya! ^^

8 244

Tak hanya itu, aku juga memberikan kartu kepada Monsieur Tada. Dia tidak kuberikan cokelat karena aku takut giginya patah. Jadi kuberikan kartu disertai puisi Inggris lama berjudul "Roses Are Red, Violets Are Blue (Mawar itu Merah, Violet itu Biru). Semoga dia suka.

0 2

Happy Valentines Day! Whether you have a date or not, the most important love to be learned is self love! Remember to always love yourself before loving someone else 🥰

Me and keeping warm so don’t mind us ❤️🧡

🎨: 💜

8 41

Tapi gimyung tuh dulu jelek banget tau. Giginya juga implan bayangin lagi gigit-gigitan trus gigi implannya copot 😟 https://t.co/QJe5kzSmxn

0 1

Thank you for the new LICK emote hehehehe it’s really well made and I love it! I will be recommending you to others for sure 🥰❤️

🎨: 💙💜

7 47

Aku lupa tingginya Karin berapa tapi seingatku 130cm si Karin (terpendek) kalau Om Zephyrus 200 cm (tertinggi)

Malah jadi kayak bapak sama anak kalau dibandingin padahal bukan hshhdhs https://t.co/gAzrY7zMYX

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Halo semua! Jadi ini anak cowokku yang ada di profile picture aku, namanya Ramy! ⭐️

Ramy ini tingginya cuman 163cm dan softboy diluar, tapi dia juga sabuk hitam judo. So, don’t you dare mess with him. 🫡


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Nga ada full body tapi mereka berdua tingginya 11-12 https://t.co/EdYBLk6ABD

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Maginyan (ニャン魔女)
Rank A, Mysterious Tribe, Fire Attribute
Origin: Yo-kai Watch Blasters
Soultimate: Infurno
A cat Yo-kai who's actually a witch, Maginyan dreams of casting spells no one has seen before.

5 30

Though distance is preventing me from seeing you, it still doesn’t stop me from spoiling you. Hopefully one day you can actually take me to a festival ❤️😌

Love the art from my favorite artist 🥰💜

🎨: 💜

10 43

Hasil poll telah berakhir!
Makasih semuanya 👏👏

Sekarang namanya Dirga ya! Dirgantara Baskara. Ayo kenalan sama Dirga. Anaknya jahil kalau dah dekat sama orang yang disenanginya, tapi dia baik kok! (Katanya sih)

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