And that includes tons of Hybrid Saiyans, which we know lot of people love.

Including one of the originally best F2P TUR's STR SS Gohan.

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El Kame hame ha de Lucario y Ash al igual que Goku y Gohan.

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Es decir, cambios hay, pero en Goku y Vegeta precisamente el cambio no es muy notorio a menos que mires de cerca, al menos si lo comparamos con Gohan.

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Atualização dessa ilustração do Toriyama de 1993, com as novas transformações de Goku e Gohan.

Arte por:

16 183

Estou pensando em fazer um redesenho da transformação Beast do Gohan.

O que vocês mudariam nela?

4 78

Beast Gohan. What are your thoughts on the form? I personally am fine with it and think it’s kind of cool.

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They brought him back in a spin-off. This one is from a future where Trunks died instead of Gohan.

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Legit still one of the most epic attacks in DB,DBZ , GT & Super.

Ya know Rika would have just grabbed Cell after that & threw his ass in the sun.

Come to think of it Goku could have done the same with instant transmission but than we wouldn't have gotten SSJ2 Gohan. So

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Weon, si eso fuera verdad también despreciaría a personajes como Gohan. XD

Sacar un prejuicio así de grande de mi deja claro que solo quieren que no toque a Steven.

Weon, varios de mis personajes favoritos con mejor desarrollo expresan sus emociones.


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Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero

9.5/10 👌👌👌

Epica la voz de Luis Manuel Avila como la nueva voz de Gohan.

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La nueva película de Dragón Ball es una carta de amor a los fans más devotos de la serie. Es volver a ser niño y regresar a dos de los mejores personajes: Picoro y Gohan.

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i'm like haha what if i cosplay gohan... and then i remembered for a brief time he had this outfit 🤣

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Beast Gohan...Surprised didn't recreate it like this..

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This may get me some flack from some folks, but I don't really care.

Future Gohan is the best version of Gohan. Hands down.

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Sexy time with ChiChi. Daddy and son time with Gohan. Fighting bad guys and saving the world, Raditz.

And seriously, I wish ChiChi went to the reunion just to see her thought bubble because you know she had something else in mind.😏😈

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Cada dia gosto mais desta transformação do Gohan.

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