If there’s a potential Irn Bru shortage in your corner of the galaxy remember there are other wonders to explore. The and Tuesday

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Wednesday the survey ship is looking for a nice cold water planet but this one is heating up

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Meanwhile on a hot and dusty planet the are waiting for the storm to break and the sweet summer rains to come. Conditions in your particular corner of the galaxy may vary. Tuesday

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When all the billionaire goldfish decide to be at the same time it’s likely they’ll bump into each other. Wednesday’s

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Wednesday the are blasting off for further adventures

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Wednesday normally don’t do two in a week but frazzled brain couldn’t see anything but a cold water crash landing.

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Wednesday the have to be patient as their voyage continues

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Tuesday the are trying to remember what their mission was

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Wednesday the are exploring a barren planet looking for water

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Wednesday suddenly everyone is making plans to go off exploring

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Blasting off from Easteropia a few pounds heavier. Wednesday’s featuring

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Tuesday’s environmental already looks like a goldfish as the examine the roadmap and figure they’ve still got a way to go

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Wednesday while we are all stuck the journey of the is essential

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